Frequently Asked Questions
What bachelor’s degrees are suitable for admission to LUMES?
This is by far the most common question we receive! The answer is that LUMES is a transdisciplinary programme and we strive to have as diverse a group of students as possible. With this in mind, we admit students from all academic backgrounds - all majors are relevant. We are convinced that sustainability requires all kinds of fields and disciplines and better communication between them.
I won’t have received my bachelor’s degree certificate by the application deadline. Can I still apply?
Yes! If you do not yet have your bachelor’s degree when you apply to the programme, you can get conditionally accepted provided you will graduate before the programme starts. Note however that you will need to submit an official document from your current university stating that you are likely to be awarded your bachelor’s degree by the start of the Swedish academic year.
For further information, and to download a form which you can use to get certification from your current university, please see this webpage: Students in their final year of bachelor's studies (link to University Admissions in Sweden).
Can applications for LUMES be pre-screened?
Unfortunately, no, it is not possible for us to pre-screen applications. We only look at applications after they have passed through University Admissions in Sweden and have been deemed suitable for review. To pass through University Admissions in Sweden, your application must fulfil the general entry requirements for master’s studies in Sweden (having a BA/BSc degree) and you must have paid the application fee (if applicable). For this reason, its really important that you follow the application instructions carefully, ensure you submit the correct documentation in the correct way, and pay the application fee on time.
I don't understand what documents I need to submit to prove that I meet the general entry requirements and the English language requirement
If you have a question about which documents (and how to submit your documents) to prove that you meet the general entry requirements and the English language requirement, you should first thoroughly review the University Admissions in Sweden webpage and then contact University Admissions in Sweden directly if necessary – refer to the Admissions support webpage. Please note that University Admissions Sweden receive a high volume of inquiries, so please allow them some time to respond.
University Admissions Support Centre webpage
Where can I find my 'cover sheet' and what should I do if I can't find it
You can find the cover sheet when you log in to 'My pages' on, under 'Application'. If you cannot find a cover sheet on your page on, please take an blank piece of paper and write your name, personnummer (if you have one), your application number, LU-18410, and MASTERHT24 on it and use this as your cover sheet.
Can I ask for an extension of the deadline (to apply or/and submit supporting documents)?
No, deadlines cannot be extended.
If I cannot get one Academic and one Professional reference person, can I get two of the same?
Yes, if you cannot get one of each you can get two of the same. Please explain (in the Applicant Summary) why you could not get one of each.
University Admissions Support Centre
Contact University Admissions in Sweden if you have non programme specific questions about for example general entry requirements, document requirements and rules, English proficiency, application fee and tuition etc.