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Current Students

Information for current students

On this page you find information for current students, based on "frequently asked questions".

 If you cannot find the information that you are looking for here, please have a look at the following webpages at Lund University.

New LUMES student?

See more information for newly admitted students to LUMES here

Academic honesty is essential for academic work. LUMES has a strict policy of zero tolerance when it comes to cheating and plagiarism. All instances of using someones else's work without giving credit to that person, but instead claiming to be the originator of the work, will be reported to the Disciplinary Board at Lund University. A student convicted in the Disciplinary Board normally will be suspended for a period of time. Given the course pre-requisite system at LUMES, this often means that a LUMES student will be required to wait until the subsequent year to continue with programme course work. It is thus of utter importance to keep track of all references properly while working with assignments and writing papers in the various courses, and to stick to strict academic rules.

All written assignments submitted via email or Canvas directly by the student will be checked by an online plagiarism service, such as Urkund. Instructions for the submission process will be specified in the course. The purpose of our strict policy in this matter is to uphold academic integrity in general, as well as the value of the LUMES degree.

Read more about academic writing and reference management on the Social Sciences Faculty Library webpage.

If you are struggling with completing course work, either because of difficulties with course content or language, discuss your situation with the course coordinator or student coordinator immediately. It may be possible to arrange for tutoring sessions or other support.

The Academic Support Centre is a free service open to all students studying courses and programmes conducted in English at Lund University. The Academic Support Centre provides individual and group consultations on the academic writing process, speaking and presentation skills, and reading and study skills. The earlier you set an appointment, the better.

Read more about the Academic Support Centre.

Lund University offers two (one in English and one in Swedish) free online courses on Writing in English at University (Akademiskt skrivande). See below for more information and registration. You can also watch the online lectures on YouTube without registering for the course.

Read more about the open online courses on academic writing.

Read more about academic writing and reference management on the Social Sciences Faculty Library webpage.

The course structure at LUMES is cumulative. Therefore, admittance to LUMES courses - except in the case of the initial programme courses - requires a minimum amount of credits from prior LUMES courses. The required number of credits is listed in each course syllabus and below. Exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the Director of Studies.

Minimum credits from previous LUMES courses required for enrolment:

  • Earth Systems Science: 0
  • Social Sciences and Sustainability: 0
  • Methodology for Sustainability Science: 0
  • Sustainability Science: 0
  • Politics of Sustainability: 7.5
  • Geographies of Sustainability: 22.5
  • Economy and Sustainability: 30
  • Methods and Tools - from Knowledge to Action: 7.5
  • All 3rd semester courses: 40
  • Thesis course: 75

Grading scale

At LUMES all courses are graded: 5, 4, 3, Fail. The highest grade is 5 and the lowest passing grade is 3. The grade for a non-passing result is Fail. The student's performance is assessed with reference to the learning outcomes of the course. The grade "5" denotes outstanding performance in all learning outcomes. The grade "4" signifies very good performance in all learning outcomes. To receive the grade "3", the student must obtain minimum criteria in fulfilling all course learning objectives. The grade of Fail signifies that the student has not fulfilled the learning outcomes of the course.

Course grade

All course study guides should include the following information and the information should also be presented to students on the first day of class:

  • a table showing the activities (and related percentage) that form the basis of the entire course. 
  • a table showing intended learning outcomes and how they are related to course activities and foundational literature.
  • the criteria that are used for grading, in addition to the current text stating "the grade "5" denotes outstanding performance in all learning outcomes. The grade “4” signifies very good performance in all learning outcomes….”


If you fail a test you have the right to re-examination. An opportunity for re-examination will be offered after the end of the course. If necessary, a second re-examination will be arranged at a later date. If you, by the same teacher, have been given a fail mark twice in an exam for a course or for part of a course, you have the right to demand that another teacher is appointed to decide on the grade. If you get a passing mark you cannot retake an exam or submit another paper to get a higher grade.

Consistent, regular class attendance and fully engaged participation is expected from all students in LUMES. Attendance at sessions that are marked as compulsory in the course calendar is compulsory to pass the course. If you miss a compulsory activity, owing to a circumstance beyond your control, e.g. accident, sudden illness or similar situation, you will have an opportunity to make up the activity if you submit appropriate documentation of the circumstance (in advance wherever possible). This also applies if you miss a teaching activity owing to an activity as an elected student representative. If you have, or know you will, miss(ed) a compulsory component, you need to talk to the course responsible who will then, if you have a legitimate excuse, give you an alternative assignment as soon as possible. Please note that this may mean that your grade will be late (although you should always get your grade no later than 15 working days after you have completed all compulsory components and exams of the course).

If these requirements are not fulfilled, the course component has to be re-taken, and therefore cannot be counted towards fulfilment of the pre-requisites for entering into subsequent courses. Note that personal travel, attending other courses, need to leave early because otherwise the tickets are too expensive, being tired or having friends/family visiting do not constitute a legitimate reason for missing compulsory course events.

If you do not agree with the course responsible's judgement of whether or not your motivation for absence was/is legitimate (one for which you will be given a make up assignment), you can submit an official request of leave to the Director or Studies. A decision will be made and you will be given information on the decision and informed of how the decision can be appealed.

In case of a life-threatening emergency, you should always call the national emergency phone number: 112

However, if something happens on campus during your studies you can call the campus security number 046-222 07 00. When calling the campus security number you will be connected to a security guard or university emergency personnel. Campus security is available all day, 24 hours per day.

You are also welcome to contact campus security if you feel unsafe on campus and want to be accompanied by a guard.

If something has happened, e.g a threatening situation on campus, vandalism, lost access card etc, you should also make an incident report to the campus security office.

If the building alarm is sounding, please evacuate as soon as possible. Warn others that the alarm has gone off and evacuate. Help one another. Keep calm, don't run, and follow evacuation routes. Never use the lift. If possible, close doors and windows to hinder the spread of fire and smoke. Extinguish the fire if you judge that you can (without taking any unnecessary risks) do so. There are fire extinguishers located on all floors in the hallway and outside of the entrance doors to the corridors.

In the event of an accident and if medical attention is required, contact any staff member or call campus security (046-222 07 00). If an ambulance is needed, call 112.

If you need a pain killer or a sanitary pad, talk to the Student Coordinator.

On Lund University Careers Service you can register with the Careers Services' career portal MyCareer, sign up to careers seminars on how to apply for jobs in Sweden and abroad, on writing applications and CVs and preparing for interviews. The Careers Service also provides assistance and guidance in finding internships. 

Read more about Lund University Careers Service.

Have a business idea? VentureLab is intended for Lund University students or recent graduates with business idea. Since the start in 2001, VentureLab has helped hundreds of student businesses go from idea to reality. 

Read more about VentureLab.

A cornerstone of the LUMES programme is high-level and interactive course sessions, which rely on student preparations through reading or other activities completed before class The readings are normally written in the timetable. Please make sure that you come to class prepared.

It is disrespectful to both teachers and fellow students to show up late for class. Therefore, please make sure that you are in a seat in the classroom prior to the scheduled start of the session. In general, course instructors try to specify the exact start time of the specific session. If the course session has begun, it is suggested that you wait until after the break to enter the classroom. The lecture/seminar is usually 45 minutes with a 15-minute break.

Lund University is committed to providing a safe and fair study environment for all students in line with the University’s core values and student rights. All complaints are treated seriously and the University will attempt to resolve them as quickly as possible. Depending on the issue or concern, you can contact several different people.

Read more about getting help and making a complaint.

Read more about the processing of education-related complaints at the Faculty of Social Sciences:

Hantering av klagomål från studenter rörande utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Dnr STYR 2018/1687 (2018-11-22) (pdf, new window)

Processing of complaints from students concerning first and second cycle education at the Faculty of Social Sciences, DnR STYR 2018/1687 (2018-11-22) (pdf, new window)

To find out when specific courses start and end, see the programme agenda for your batch.


Batch 28 (2024 - 2026), programme agenda (Word, 103 kB)
Batch 27 (2023 - 2025), programme agenda (pdf, 173 kB)
Batch 26 (2022 - 2024), programme agenda (pdf, 176 kB)
Batch 25 (2021 - 2023), programme agenda (pdf, 170 kB)


Batch 24 (2020 - 2022) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 23 (2019 - 2021) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 22 (2018 - 2020) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 21 (2017 - 2019) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 20 (2016 - 2018) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 19 (2015 - 2017) programme agenda (pdf, new window)
Batch 18 (2014 - 2016) programme agenda (pdf, new window)

All courses in LUMES are required to have a course evaluation. We take the course evaluations seriously because they provide a basis for subsequent course and program developments. We use a web-based survey that is sent out to all students on the last day of the course. The survey is followed by a face-to-face feedback meeting with the course coordinator to go through the main comments/concerns of the evaluation. 

Each LUMES course is aided by an online course administration system called Canvas. The system is used for a variety of different functions, including as a place to convey basic information about the course (e.g., study guide, course syllabus), urgent messages from the course coordinator or lecturer (e.g., lecture cancellation), and postings of lecture slides, etc. You use your Student Account to login.

If there is a problem with Canvas, please notify the course coordinator or the Student Coordinator.

Login to Canvas here.

Note: This page will be updated and information in English will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Coordinator.

Riktlinjer för tillgodräknande av tidigare utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (PDF. New window)

If you have been admitted to the programme but would like to postpone your enrollment you should submit an “Request for deferment of studies” as early as possible, but at latest before the start of the programme. The request is submitted to the Student Coordinator. Please use the form available below.

Request for deferment of studies (pdf, 108 kB)
Blankett för ansökan om anstånd med studiestart (pdf, 110 kB)

Note that an application for deferment of studies will only be approved if there are special circumstances/grounds (as outlined in “Universitets- och högskolerådets föreskrifter (UHRFS 2013:3) om anstånd med studier för antagna samt studieuppehåll”). Such a deferment is only permissible for a period not exceeding 18 months, unless there are specific reasons. A decision to grant deferment will be linked to a condition that the student submits a re-application before the stated deadline and submit a copy of the decision document with the application. If you do not submit a new application within the given timeframe you will lose the reserved place.

The Faculty of Social Sciences has put together a guide to provide you with support so that you feel comfortable taking steps if you are subjected to discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation.

Guide on discrimination, harassment and victimisation

Three opportunities/deadlines for examination are offered in conjunction with the course: a first examination and two re-examinations/new deadlines. If you have not taken the exam or handed in the assignment after the last re examination/new deadline you will have to wait until the course is offered again the following year.

It is important to submit assignments on time. If you for some reason will not be able to meet the submission deadline, consult the course coordinator at the earliest possible time. 

The graduation ceremony normally takes place in the Lund University main building Universitetshuset in early to mid June. The ceremony is organised by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Students in their final year will receive information/invite through the Student Coordinator.

The Graduation Ceremony in 2023 will take place on June 8.

With your LU access card you have

  • access to the 1st and 2nd floor (staff corridors) in the Josephson building, and the Wrangel building (students allowed to enter only if you have a scheduled lecture or meeting) from 8:30 to 16:30, Monday to Friday
  • 24/7 access to the 3rd floor in the Josephson building

Read more about the LU access card, where to get and it how to see your pin code. Note that the LU access card is not a student discount card.

All LUMES students have a locker in the student lounge. The locker should be used to store personal belonings and this is also where written assignments will be returned. 

Lund University has a comprehensive library system consisting of a number of libraries around Lund University campus, and extensive online resources. The main library is called UB1, and is located not far away from Josephson. There are group rooms and quiet study rooms located there as well as at most of the other libraries.

Read more about Lund University Libraries.

Our "home library" is the Social Sciences Faculty library. Here you can borrow course literature, use computers and study. At the library you can also get help with finding literature and references. The library is located in G:a barnsjukhuset, Allhelgona kyrkogata 12 A, house J.

Read more about the Social Sciences Faculty Library.

Depending on your citizenship, different regulations apply when it comes to your medical insurance coverage. To make a claim and get reimbursed for your expenses you need to have original receipts. Talk to the student coordinator for advice. It is not Lund University that determines if you will be reimbursed or not, it is up to the insurance company (Kammarkollegiet) to decide. In general the insurance covers emergency and unforeseen medical care, while planned medical care is not covered.

Read more about Medical insurance for students at Lund University.

If you need to see a doctor you visit a health care clinic (vårdcentral) or call 1177. The number (1177) is free of charge and open 24/7. Here you can get medical advice from a registered nurse and if needed they can refer you to a health care clinic if you need a doctor. You are also welcome to talk to the student coordinator whom can guide you.

Read more about Health Care (incl. sexual health and contraception) on Lund University website.

In case of a life threatening situation or emergency you call 112 or go straight to the emergency room (akutmottagning) at a hospital (sjukhus or lasarett), which is open 24/7.

The information on this page is primarily intended for current students; however, it might also be useful for you if you have just been admitted as a student. To help newly admitted students prepare for LUMES we have set up a separate webpage with information relevant to you.  

Information for newly admitted students.

All admitted students are sent a pre-arrival guide from Lund University before the start of the semester. The guide provides detailed information to help you prepare for your stay in Lund. Find the Pre-Arrival Guide for international students as well as other useful information on how to prepare for your move to Lund and your studies at the Lund University 'Before you arrive' webpage.

Read more about how to prepare for your studies at Lund University.

In addition to the information sent from the university, we (LUMES) will also send you separate emails with more targeted information on how to prepare for your studies and the LUMES adventure. Before summer we will also create a Facebook group for your batch where you can get in touch with your classmates (and current students) and arrange so that you have a student mentor from the current batch whom you can pose additional questions to.

The administrative and teaching staff want to provide you with the best service possible. Students are always welcome to come by but if you have something that you want to discuss in detail, please e-mail to book a meeting time. 

Contact details of all LUCSUS staff members.

If you want to book a lecture/seminar room for group work or other activities, please contact the student coordinator. The student lounge can normally not be booked.

Read more about scholarships and awards on Lund University webpage.

Read more about scholarships and awards for current students on Lund University webpage.

Travel scholarships

1) Lund University Travel Scholarships and grants

Lund university offers some travel scholarships for travel in connection with degree projects.

Read more about Travel Scholarships for current students on Lund University webpage.

Students at Lund University can also apply for a travel grant from the Crafoord Foundation for a stay abroad, within or outside the EU. The grant is administered by Lund University.

Read more about the Crafoord Foundation travel grant.

2) LUCSUS - Right Livelihood College Fieldwork Grant

LUCSUS has a special connection to the Right Livelihood Award (RLA, sometimes known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) as being one of the Right Livelihood Colleges (RLC). As part of our commitment to the RLC we offer a number of field work grants for LUMES theses related to RLA laureates and their organizations. 

The conditions for the fieldwork support are:

  • The research should be highly relevant to a RLA laureate (individual or organization).
  • The grant covers only the international transportation to and from the field work area.
  • The ticket must be booked and paid through LUCSUS.
  • The thesis must be shared with the RLA laureate after completion. 

Read more about the Right Livelihood laureates and their achievements.

Instructions for application is sent out to thesis writing students.

For any questions, please contact David O'Byrne.

List of Right Livelihood College fieldwork travel grant:

3) ICLD Fieldwork Grant

The ICLD Fieldwork Grant is a program for master’s students in Sweden. The aim of the programme is to provide an opportunity for students to conduct fieldwork in one of ICLD’s countries of cooperation. The thesis topic must have a strong connection to local democracy, and it is especially interesting if it is conducted in municipalities where ICLD is present. Students may apply for a maximum of 20,000 SEK to conduct fieldwork for at least five weeks in a selected country.

The 2022 deadline to apply is October 2.

Read more about the ICLD's Fieldwork Grant.

4) Minor Field Studies

Through Sida’s Minor Field Studies (MFS) scholarship, you can spend 8 weeks in a low or middle-income country conducting a minor field study for your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree project. To be considered eligible for the MFS scholarship you have to be a Swedish citizen OR a citizen of another Nordic country who has been living in Sweden on a permanent basis for at least one year OR an international citizen who has been granted Permanent Right of Residence (PUT) in Sweden.

Read more about the Minor Field scholarship.

Traineeship abroad via Erasmus

If you are a Lund University student who wants to undertake a traineeship in Europe, you may be eligible for an Erasmus traineeship grant. 

Read more about the Erasmus traineeship grant.

Feeling stressed, worried or depressed? Counselling is available to all students at Lund University. The staff at the Student Health Centre works primarily with problems that affect your ability to study, such as stress, worry, anxiety, depression and or/academic difficulties. It is a complement to other public and private health clinics in Lund where you go for general medical issues, sexual health and contraception.

Read more about the Student Health Counselling.

For emergencies or life-threatening situations: Call 112

112 is an emergency number called for emergency assistance when there is danger to life, property or environment. 112 is for those who require immediate assistance from, for example, the police, rescue service or ambulance.

All students at Lund University have a Student Account and a student email. Through the Student Portal you can access the Ladok database to view your academic results (course grades), print transcripts, change your personal contact information, and more. Your student account also gives you access to internet on campus, computers, computer rooms and printers, electronic publications and databases through the Electronic Library LUBsearch, and file storage.

You log in to the Student Portal using your student account. Every student automatically gets a student account once accepted to Lund University. 

Read more about the Student Portal.

Login to the Student Portal.

If you experience problems with the Student Portal or your student account, please contact the ServiceDesk (servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)).

Read more about the ServiceDesk.

The LUCSUS Student Coordinator is here to assist you with anything related to your studies (and other things).

Name and contact details: Amanda Elgh, office 211A (Josephson, 2nd floor, Biskopsgatan 5), amanda [dot] elgh [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (amanda[dot]elgh[at]lucsus[dot]lu[dot]se), +46 46 222 04 70.

You're welcome to come by at any time!

The student representatives are elected by the student union. Currently LUMES has two student representatives:

  • Simona Jastremskaite, B23, si6524ja-s [at] student [dot] lu [dot] se
  • Olivera Stojilovic, B23, olivera [dot] stojilovic [dot] 2307 [at] student [dot] lu [dot] se

The student representatives take part in LUCSUS board meetings while planning and influencing the syllabus, ensuring an overall positive study environment and quality of studies among other things within the department. Additionally, student representatives take an active part in communicating the views and interests of all the students within the programme in order to assure the positive changes that would benefit both the department and students.

You are welcome to contact the student representatives for advice and guidance if you have any concerns relating to your studies.

Read more about the student unions at Lund University

Read more about the Social Sciences Student Union.


Your rights and responsibilities as a student towards the University and your department are governed by university policies and national laws and regulations.

Read more about student rights and guidelines.

For general questions and concerns, you can contact the course responsible directly, the student coordinator or the director of studies. If the problem lies with the course responsible, student coordinator, or director of studies, or if you do not feel comfortable approaching either of those, you can contact the class representative or the student union (the Social Sciences Student Union, Samvetet). In Sweden, the role of the student unions is to ensure your interests are represented at the University and they can raise any issues you may have with the University.

Read more about the Social Sciences Student Union.

If you want to view your details in Ladok (the student register), you can log in via the Student Portal using your student account.

You can create a verifiable transcript of records, showing your study results, in the Student Portal. If you need a manual signed copy, please contact the student coordinator. If you need a written "Student Testimonial", please contact the student coordinator.

Login to the Student Portal.

If you have a disability, for example, dyslexia, a visual impairment, or ADHD, and would like to study at Lund University, we can provide you with support during your studies.

Read more about the pedagogical support here.

You are also welcome to talk to LUMES Student Coordinator directly for advice and guidance.

If you want to request a leave from studies you should submit your “application for approved leave” well in advance of your planned leave. Before you submit your application we recommend that you contact the Student Coordinator or the Director of Studies to discuss the possible implications for your future studies. Contact the Student Coordinator to request the application form for approved study leave.

After you have submitted your application a decision will be made and thereafter communicated to you. It is important that you read the decision as it will include information on how to resume your studies.

Please note that study leave with guaranteed place is normally only granted if there are social, medical, other special circumstances as outlined in “Universitets- och högskolerådets föreskrifter (UHRFS 2013:3) om anstånd med studier för antagna samt studieuppehåll”.

As a student at Lund University, you have the opportunity to study for one to three weeks abroad during the summer.

Read more about summer courses abroad.

The third floor of Josephson can be a lively environment, especially during student breaks. Please remember, however, that there are fellow students who might be trying to study. Please respect their needs by limiting the level of noise in the corridor. Please use the student lounge for conversation breaks. Remember, however, to be back in the classroom by the end of the break. Also, there is no eating or drinking allowed in the classrooms.

The kitchen and student lounge is used by many. Please make an effort and help us keeping it nice and welcoming. Wash up your cup/plate/cutlery and keep them in your locker or put them on the shelf in the kitchen. Keep tables, fridges and the microwaves clean. If you have spilled something, please wipe it up. If the kitchen has run out of washing up liquid or if there is anything not functioning as expected, please talk to the Student Coordinator. Don't leave your personal belongings anywhere else than in your locker. Before leaving, put furniture back in the right place, close windows and turn off the light. Don't forget to close the door to the hallway before leaving. Thank you!



Amanda Elgh
Student Coordinator LUCSUS
amanda [dot] elgh [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (amanda[dot]elgh[at]lucsus[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46(0)46 222 04 70

Visiting address:
Room 211A, Josephson building, Biskopsgatan 5